一、 Life is a 十、

二、 即使黑夜再长,黎明总会到来。

三、 one day,

四、 the scale,

五、 to believe,

六、 to be alone,

七、 mediocre life,

八、 The best time,

九、 In this world,

十、 sooner or later,


十一、 the better the future.

十二、 for nothing else,

十三、 run faster. Then,

十四、 这世界上,特别出众的人与特别愚蠢的人一样稀有。

十五、 每个人都有自己的原则,它们支撑着我们前行的步伐。

十六、 Alone in your life,

十七、 While you are young,

十八、 then please keep fighting!

十九、 can give you shelter,

二十、 to rush to dream to regret.


二十一、 昨天已经过去了,明天尚未到来,唯有珍惜今天才是最重要的。

二十二、 choose their favorite people.

二十三、 the sooner you give up,

二十四、 and youll meet your best self.

二十五、 生命必须有裂缝,阳光才能照进来。路上有坎坷,人才变得坚强起来。

二十六、 to love to hate to waste,

二十七、 你如果忍受现在的自己不努力,将来就要忍受和同样不努力的人在一起。

二十八、 如果有天我们湮没在人潮中,庸碌一生,那是因为我们没有努力要活得丰盛。

二十九、 the scale is not low enough,

三十、 there is never a vain effort,


三十一、 can also let you see the day,

三十二、 不要把时间都用来低落了,去相信,去孤单,去爱去恨去浪费,去闯去梦去后悔。

三十三、 you have only one thing to do,

三十四、 only let yourself more powerful,

三十五、 can really hold up a piece of the day.

三十六、 choose yunhuanyunshu small days,

三十七、 the balance is not large enough,

三十八、 every effort you make will be brilliant.

三十九、 If one day we are lost in the crowd,

四十、 Every day a little bit more efforts,


四十一、 meter run. If someone criticizes you,

四十二、 最好的时光,在路上;最好的生活,在别处。独自上路去看看这个世界,你终将与最好的自己相遇。

四十三、 一个人的日子里,你要做的只有一件事,把自己变得优秀。等你优秀了,喜欢你的人自然会主动找你。

四十四、 每天坚持三件事:看脸、看秤、看余额!如果脸不够美,秤不够低,余额不够多,那么,请继续奋斗!

四十五、 不要执着于令自己痛苦的事物,不要去惦记再也回不去的曾经。有些事,放弃得越早,未来就会越好。

四十六、 to become excellent. When you are good,

四十七、 for there is always a new way to live one day.

四十八、 人生是很累的,你现在不累,以后就会更累。人生是很苦的,你现在不苦,以后就会更苦。唯苦过,方知甜。

四十九、 每天多一点点的努力,不为别的,只为了日后能够多一些选择,选择云卷云舒的小日子,选择自己喜欢的人。

五十、 Never indulge in comfortable muddle along,


五十一、 这世上从没有白费的努力,也没有碰巧的成功。只要认真对待生活,终有一天,你的每一份努力,都将绚烂成花。

五十二、 Do three things every day: look at your face,

五十三、 趁着年轻,你需要多受一些苦,然后才会真正谦恭。不然,你那自以为是的聪明和藐视一切的优越感迟早要毁了你。

五十四、 Life is very tired. If you are not tired now,

五十五、 人生就是一万米长跑,如果有人非议你,那你就要跑得快一点,这样,那些声音就会在你的身后,你就再也听不见了。

五十六、 it is because we have no effort to live a rich life.

五十七、 you will put up with not working hard in your future.

五十八、 Dont cling to the things that make you painful,

五十九、 永远不要沉溺在安逸里得过且过,能给你遮风挡雨的,同样能让你不见天日,只有让自己更加强大,才能真正撑起一片天。

六十、 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下了什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,该爱的时候就去爱,无需压抑自己,新的一天总有新的活法。


六十一、 and the balance! If the face is not beautiful enough,

六十二、 dont miss the past that you cant go back. Some things,

六十三、 If you put up with not working hard in your present self,

六十四、 the voices will be behind you and you will never hear them again.

六十五、 only in order to be able to have more choices in the future,

六十六、 nor a chance of success. As long as you take life seriously,

六十七、 people who like you will naturally take the initiative to find you.

六十八、 and love when you should. There is no need to oppress yourself,

六十九、 you will be more tired later. Life is hard. If you dont suffer now,

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七十、 you need to suffer a little more before you become truly humble. Or,


七十一、 your self-righteous cleverness and contemptuous superiority will destroy you.

七十二、 The extraordinary and the stupid are as rare in this world as the extraordinary.

七十三、 you will suffer more later. We never know the sweetness until the bitter has passed.

七十四、 on the road; The best life is elsewhere. Go out on your own and see the world,

七十五、 Life must have cracks in it for the sun to shine in. People become stronger when the road is rough.

七十六、 Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. Laugh or cry as you like,

