001. 请你当我手心里的宝。

002. 不能给我的、请完整给她。

003. 撞衫不可怕,谁丑谁尴尬。

004. 我想要和你一起慢慢变老。

005. **你的葬礼我会盛装出席。

006. 抬头、浅笑、这世态的悲凉。

007. 抱着自己喜欢的人才有感觉。

008. 我有血有泪,也会厌倦和疲惫。

009. 我爱你,不是为了脱你的衣服。

010. 骗自己成全他,根本没那么伟大。

011. 但是快乐太单纯,所以容易破碎。

012. 世态炎凉、我心安稳、爱你如初!

013. 看穿了所有,就是看不穿自己的心。

014. 是你给的爱不够、还是我要的太多。

015. 看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。

016. 你陪我静静在屋顶看世界慢慢睡去。

017. 我不允许任何人,抢走我在乎的人。

018. 这是第九次分手,我最后一次让你走!

019. 早晨的一缕阳光,把我从睡梦中吵醒。

020. 谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。

021. 我们爱的太容易,不知道失去的结局。

022. 不要太想念过去,它会给你带来悲伤。

023. 忠诚,亦不过是背叛的筹码太少而已。

024. 我是一粒棋子,过了河,没路可回了。

025. 各自奔各自的前程,各自听各自的歌。

026. 你是月光不够明亮却足以让我看清方向。

027. 最心痛的现在,曾是曾经最美好的时候。

028. 等爱的人饥肠辘辘,不爱的人满是包袱。

029. 只有一个人愿意等,另一个人才愿意出现。

030. 在我被人欺负时,你要第一时间出来帮我。

031. 别因为知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。

032. 誓言变成了谎言,我的心被你撕成了碎片。

033. 太像的两个人不是特别相爱就是互相伤害。

034. 人生路漫漫,希望我们都能活得更加精彩。

035. 时光就像个万花筒,让你的眼睛丢失方向。

036. 你说你是限量版,那我告诉你,我可是绝版。

037. 除去一开始的新鲜感,陪伴与懂得更加重要。

038. 进入别人的心灵,也允许别人进入你的心灵。

039. 支持双方永远走下去的,不是**,是责任。

040. 爱情不是全部,生活才是全部,你才是全部。

041. 像小强一样活着只要不死没有什么不可以的。

042. 错的是我们,不要总是把事丢给那可悲的爱情。

043. 幸福的人在哪儿都会幸福,幸福的我因为有你。

044. 我向旧日的恋人道歉,因为我对新人如同初恋。

045. 你是我生命的全部,请说你愿意。情人节快乐。

046. 习惯性趴在桌面上,简单旳安静,淡淡旳幸福。

047. 邂逅了微笑,错过了绝望,每一站也算不孤单。

048. 我不知道说什么,我只是突然在这一刻很想你。

049. 我们总在最不懂爱情的年代,遇见最美好的爱情。

050. 就算拥有向日葵的执着、还是抵不过宿命的安排。

051. 你的名字从我最初的别扭生疏到现在的脱口而出。

052. 你明明知道我不善言辞不懂挽留为什么你还要走。

053. 没想到,连回忆也如此不堪,莪只剩思念旳权利。

054. 你说我听不懂人话,但我想说要看对方是不是人。

055. 在面对困难和挫折时,永远不要失去勇气和希望。

056. 我不需要你在人海中找我,因为我会一直在你身边。

057. 即便你走到天涯海角,但你却永远走不出我的内心。

058. 我不喜欢回忆,可你偏偏只留下了一大堆回忆给我。

059. 你在我的生命中烙下了印记,却只当我是一个过客。

060. 时间可以冲淡很多东西,却不能冲淡我对你的思念。

061. 我都叫你别说了,你说起话来象只苍蝇,恶心死了。

062. 每个人都要做独立的人,不要爱得依赖,爱得习惯。

063. 别人指着你的痛处哈哈大笑,你却只能傻傻地笑着。

064. 我对于你,只是场意外;你对于我,却是一场爱情。

065. 突然发现,除了我,周围的每一个朋友过的都很幸福。

066. 每次觉得自己今天很漂亮的时候,都特别想要遇见你。

067. 冥冥之中遇见你,原来不是不可以,原来只有你可以。

068. 关于生活中的每一件事都可以用三个字总结:会过去。

069. 我以为我快要忘记你了,可是你的影子总是纠缠着我。

070. 那个少年温暖的影子,说要抓住时光的脚步陪我到荒芜。

071. 芣管现在莪怎样说怎样做,妳能给莪旳湜否就只湜心痛。

072. 慌忙之中按下了停播键,画面停留在了悲伤的某个角落。

073. 有没有人和我一样,为了一个没有的结果执着而坚持着。

074. 一切幸福都并非没有烦恼,而一切逆境也绝非没有希望。

075. 你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。

076. 那些年我很快乐,不为别的,只是很单纯的喜欢你而已。

077. 孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。

078. 我们在放弃,涂白了记忆,以为就可以伪装无邪的美丽。

079. 悉的背影甚至碰到一点眉眼,就会不知所措地惊慌逃亡。

080. 忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你的坏。我们永不永不说再见。

081. 大部分女人喜欢一个男人都是一种原因,就是她搞不懂他。

082. 无论何时何地,我们都应该保持一颗善良、感恩和爱心的心。

083. I want to grow old with you.

084. 人生中最重要的不是我们所拥有的财富,而是我们所拥有的人。

085. 如果有一天你想放弃了,先问问自己为什么当初坚持走到了现在。

086. Ill dress up at your funeral.

087. Look up, smile, the world desolate.

088. Fool yourself into him, not so great.

089. Cant give me, please complete to her.

090. Ask you to be the treasure in my palm.

091. But happy too simple, so easily broken.

092. I am a pawn, over the river, no way back.

093. A I love you, to coax me happy, good sad.

094. I love you, not to take off your clothes.

095. Love is not all, life is all, you are all.

096. Holding your favorite people have a feeling.

097. I have tears of blood, will be tired and tired.

098. Your name from my first awkward to the present.

099. As small as what can not live as long as no die.

100. I wont allow anyone to take the one I care about.

101. Two people are props, the outcome has been doomed.

102. The same is not terrible, ugly who who embarrassed.

103. Wrong is us, do not always put things to the sad love.

104. Dont miss the past too much, it will bring you sorrow.

105. We love too easy, do not know the outcome of the loss.

106. Loyalty, but also a betrayal of the chip is too small.

107. The most painful now, was once the most beautiful time.

108. Is the love you give is not enough, or I want too much.

109. Thank you for your smile, had been a panic over my time.

110. A ray of sunshine in the morning, woke me from my sleep.

111. Look at other peoples stories, with tears in their eyes.

112. Oath to become a lie, my heart was torn to pieces by you.

113. I told you not to say, you speak like a fly, nausea dead.

114. You are in my life a mark, but only when I was a traveler.

115. Love people hungry, do not love the people full of burden.

116. Time is like a kaleidoscope, let your eyes lost direction.

117. Every time I feel very beautiful today, I want to meet you.

118. I am to you, just an accident; you for me, but it is a love.

119. Where happy people will be happy, I am happy because of you.

120. Each ran their own future, each to listen to their own songs.

121. This is the ninth time to break up, the last time I let you go!

122. You accompany me to watch the world slowly to sleep on the roof.

123. My heart is stable, the fickleness of the world, love you again!

124. I dont know what to say, I just suddenly miss you at this moment.

(WwW.QiUJUzi.com 求句子网碗妹整理发布)

125. The habit of lying on the desktop, simple quiet, faint happiness.

126. Encounter a smile, missed the despair, each station is not alone.

127. Most women like a man is a reason, that she did not understand him.

128. I dont like to remember, but you just left a lot of memories to me.

129. I apologize to the old lover, because I like the first love couple.

130. Alone is not born, but by the moment you fall in love with a person.

131. I met you somewhere, the original is not the original, only you can.

132. We give up, painted white memory, that can be a beautiful camouflage.

133. Unexpectedly, even the memories are so unbearable, I only miss right.

134. There is no one like me, for a result of perseverance and persistence.

135. Dont make me wait for you just because you know Ill be waiting for you.

136. Into the hearts of others, but also to allow others to enter your mind.

137. You are the moonlight is not bright enough to let me see the direction.

138. When I was bullied, you have to come out for the first time to help me.

139. Only one person is willing to wait, another person is willing to appear.

140. They point to the home to you laugh, but you can only fool with a smile.

141. Those years I am very happy, not for anything else, just a simple love you.

142. Too like the two people are not particularly in love is to hurt each other.

143. Everyone should be independent, do not love to rely on, love to get used to.

144. Support the two sides will always go on, not passion, is the responsibility.

145. Hurry off press the button, the picture stays in a certain corner of sadness.

146. About every thing in life can be summed up in three words: it will be the past.

147. I dont need you to find me in the crowd, because I will always be by your side.

148. All happiness is not without trouble, and all the adversity is not without hope.
