001. 带着一根烟。浪迹天涯。

002. 跌跌撞撞的人生才精彩。

003. 留不住的人,我送你走。

004. 选择了,便注定了孤独。

005. 断了网线你还有几个朋友?

006. 我们曾相爱,想到就心酸。

007. 是梦总会碎,是心总会累。

008. 有些话随风,有些人如梦。

009. 相离莫相忘,且行且珍惜。

010. 爱情总是没有完美的结局。

011. 如果你不爱我,那就放了我。

012. 哥脸上的不是痘,那叫青春。

013. 低调的生活,平凡也有精彩。

014. 键盘摁出来的感情能有多深?

015. 彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。

016. 我们到底谁更失落,更寂寞。

017. 你走之后,酒暖回忆思念瘦。

018. 有些人再好,也只能做朋友。

019. 你走了,换一个寂寞和俄对坐。

020. 请好好照顾她,加上我的那份。

021. 连呼吸都会胃抽你可曾关心过。

022. 别说谎,我做不到每次都原谅。

023. 失眠的人连做梦的资格都没有。

024. 能让你掉眼泪的,从来不是我。

025. 眼泪的原料是血,配料是心碎。

026. 你张得不像屎,但屎挺像你的。

027. 认真你就输了,动情你就哭吧。

028. 请你离开!因为我不再爱你了!

029. 原来地久天长,只是误会一场。

030. 无论多么想念,却不曾再见面。

031. 就不要放弃,放弃就不要后悔。

032. 别把自己弄成收不了场的笑话。

033. 宁愿一个人也不要敷衍的陪伴。

034. 为了爱你,我错过了爱我的人。

035. 孤独是一场无人问津的重感冒。

036. 你走以后我会自己哄自己开心。

037. 原先笑靥如花,后来满是伤疤。

038. 拥有太多故事,却都没有后来。

039. 我爱你,不是为了脱你的衣服。

040. 站在奈何桥前,不愿喝下孟婆汤。

041. 非弄得伤痕累累,累的无力再追。

042. 刺猬,清清淡淡旳说着莪旳幸福。

043. 结局已经写好,我们拿什么改变。

044. 爱得痛苦,爱得累,爱是一场空。

045. 在下一个路口,思念某一种温度。

046. 最近的访客,已经很久没有你了。

047. 我脾气不好,但是我真的很好哄。

048. 我怎么敢倒下,我身后空无一人。

049. 读不懂你得心,我懂我们的距离。

050. 冰淇淋都比你强,不会让我心凉。

051. 别用你的沉默,代替你所犯的错。

052. 别让不适合你的人带走最好的你。

053. 铅笔画的画再美,也都是灰色的。

054. 承诺再美,也经不起时间的改变。

055. 夜晚的漆黑也掩藏不了我的泪水。

056. 倒转了沙漏,不见得可改写春秋。

057. 年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。

058. 从那以后,我对感情再没认真过。

059. 真心不过钞票多,感情不过性寂寞。

060. 我只有一刻会温柔,但是被狗吃了。

061. 她只喝酒不说话,眼泪掉了也不擦。

062. 四叶草、太美好、我用未来得不到。

063. 剧情再美只是戏、歌词再好只是曲。

064. 终归还是男人的阴谋,女人的一生。

065. 选择最淡的心事,诠释坎坷的人生。

066. 你想走就走吧,我给你想要的自由。

067. 忘记你,是为了证明我可以忘记你。

068. 我总感觉不安,好像失去了全世界。

069. 等你爱我,哪怕只有一次也就足够。

070. 别傻了,没有人心疼的伤心不值钱。

071. 终归还是女人的风情,男人的沦陷。

072. 拥有过再失去总比不曾拥有更难过。

073. 你是我那触及不到的、最美的风景。

074. 经不住似水流年,逃不过此间年少。

075. 原来,他的故事,从来都与我无关。

076. 一个人害怕孤独,两个人害怕辜负。

077. 有时候,我们除了坚强,别无选择。

078. 你应该是一场梦,我应该是一阵风。

079. 人生路漫漫,希望我们都能活得更加精彩。

080. 有时候,爱情意味着放弃,而放弃也是成全。

081. 真正的朋友是那些在你需要帮助时伸出援手的人。

082. From Mo love and cherish.

083. Their life was wonderful.

084. We have love, think of sad.

085. Its not me who makes you cry.

086. It is mans plot, a womans life.

087. If you dont love me, let me go.

088. Love always has no perfect ending.

089. Who are we more lost, more lonely.

090. Dont lie, I cant do it every time.

091. Dont give up, give up dont regret.

092. Clover, too good, my future is not.

093. 爱情就像一首优美的乐曲,永不腻味,在静谧的夜晚,为我们带来温馨和感动。

094. How dare I fall behind me is empty.

095. Cant keep people, Ill take you away.

096. Have too many stories, but not later.

097. After you go I will coax myself happy.

098. The original smile, then full of scars.

099. The choice, it is doomed to loneliness.

100. The hedgehog, faint about my happiness.

101. Years, eventually arrived but a lonely.

102. Dont make yourself not accept the joke.

103. No matter how miss, but never meet again.

104. I love you, not to take off your clothes.

105. How many friends do you have off the wire?

106. With a cigarette. Rove all over the world。

107. Silent let go, hope not to see your smile.

108. Recent visitors, has long been without you.

109. Seriously you will lose, emotional you cry.

110. Not get scarred, tired and unable to chase.

111. Low key life, ordinary also have wonderful.

112. Some words with the wind, some people dream.

113. Originally forever, just a misunderstanding.

114. If you love me, even if only once is enough.

115. Please take good care of her, plus my share.

116. Years cardamom, who made who The end of life.

117. You go away for a lonely and Russian sitting.

118. The darkness of the night cant hide my tears.

119. Love is painful, love tired, love is nothing.

120. Forget you, is to prove that I can forget you.

121. Sometimes, we have no choice but to be strong.

122. Press the keyboard out can have deep feelings?

123. Please leave! Because I dont love you anymore!

124. I always feel as if I had lost the whole world.

125. After all, the man or woman of style, the fall.

126. Dont be silly, no one distressed sad worthless.

127. Prefer a person also dont perfunctory accompany.

128. You dont look like shit, but shit looks like you.

129. Originally, his story, has nothing to do with me.

130. But really more money, but feelings of loneliness.

131. I dont understand your heart, I know our distance.

132. Standing on the bridge, do not want to drink soup.

133. You should be a dream, I should be a gust of wind.

134. I only have a moment to be gentle, but the dog ate.

135. Some people no matter how good, can only be friends.

136. I dont have a good temper, but Im really good at it.

137. The ending has been written, what we have to change.

138. In order to love you, I miss the people who love me.

139. At the next intersection, miss a certain temperature.

140. If you want to go, Ill give you the freedom you want.

141. Insomnia is not even the qualifications of the dream.

142. After you leave, the warm memories of wine miss thin.

143. Elder brothers face is not pox, that is called youth.

144. It is more difficult to have lost than never to have.

145. Since then, I have never been serious about feelings.

146. The dream is always broken, the heart is always tired.

147. Loneliness is a bad cold No one shows any interest in.

148. She only drinks does not speak, the tear has not wiped.

149. Ice cream is better than you, will not let my heart cool.

(好句子,值得记录 WWW.Qiujuzi.coM 求句子网)

150. Dont use your silence to take the place of your mistakes.

151. The pencil paintings are beautiful, and they are all gray.

152. Even breathing will stomach you have been concerned about.

153. Dont let the person who is not with you take the best of you.

154. Stand up to escape this young Youth passes as a fleeting wave..

155. A person afraid of loneliness, two people afraid to live up to.

156. The raw material of tears is blood, the ingredients are broken heart.

157. Turned the hourglass, may not be able to rewrite the spring and autumn.

158. The story of the United States is just a play, the lyrics are just good song.

159. Choose the most light of the mind, interpretation of the ups and downs of life.
